Report on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) TC 197 Plenary Meeting

By Karen Quackenbush, FCHEA

ISO/TC 197 held their 33rd plenary meeting on December 12-13, 2024, in Seoul, South Korea, hosted by KATS, the Korea Hydrogen Alliance, H2Korea, and KGS. ISO/TC 197 covers standardization in the field of systems and devices for the production, storage, transport, measurement and use of hydrogen.  Chairperson Tetsufumi Ikeda, of The Association of Hydrogen Supply and Utilization Technology (HySUT), Japan, opened the meeting.

There are currently 39 full Participating member countries, and 16 Observing member countries.

The following Standards were published in 2024, bringing the total number of published standards to 21 (one was published by SC1):

  • ISO 19880-9:2024 Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling stations — Part 9: Sampling for fuel quality analysis

  • ISO 19885-1:2024 Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling protocols for hydrogen-fuelled vehicles — Part 1: Design and development process for fuelling protocol

  • ISO 19887-1:2024 Gaseous Hydrogen — Fuel system components for hydrogen-fuelled vehicles — Part 1: Land vehicles

  • ISO 19880-8 Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling stations Part 8: Fuel quality control

There were six New Proposals (NP) in 2024:

  • ISO/NP 25578: Liquid hydrogen — Land vehicle refuelling connection devices

  • ISO/AWI TS 19889-1: Hydrogen technologies — Interoperability — Part 1: Interface between gaseous hydrogen trailer and hydrogen fuelling station

  • ISO/AWI TS 15916: Hydrogen technologies — Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systems

  • ISO/AWI 24925: Cryo-compressed hydrogen refuelling protocol

  • ISO/AWI 19885-2: Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling protocols for hydrogen-fuelled vehicles — Part 2: Definition of communications between the vehicle and dispenser control systems

  • ISO/AWI 19885-3: Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling protocols for hydrogen-fuelled vehicles — Part 3: High flow hydrogen fuelling protocols for heavy duty road vehicles

In addition to the routine administrative activities such as reappointing Convenors, adjusting project timelines, and reporting on working group activities, the plenary meeting presented an opportunity to discuss strategic initiatives and potential future work.

The United States reported on the informal activity regarding future TC 197 restructuring. Following the presentation of results of the informal consultation, ISO/TC 197 took a resolution to initiate a 12-week Committee Internal Ballot (CIB) to survey P-members on their interest in the potential restructuring of the Technical Committee through the creation of new Subcommittees (SCs). The Technical Advisory Board (TAB) has been tasked with drafting the survey content. After the survey, ISO/TC 197 will determine the next steps, including the possible establishment of an Ad Hoc Group (AHG).

AHG2 successfully drafted recommendations for the pathway to update gaseous, liquid and cryo-compressed hydrogen dispensing, including heavy-duty vehicles, as outlined in its terms of reference. With the submission of the ballot to revise ISO 19880-1 and the concurrent work on the development of a new standard on general hydrogen refueling station requirements, ISO/TC 197 has disbanded AHG2, as its work is now complete. Work in this area will include revising ISO 19880-1 to focus specifically on gaseous hydrogen dispensing requirements, with particular emphasis on HDV dispensing. TC 197 will also create a new generic HRS document (designated number 19886) by selectively transferring into its content from Chapters 1-7 and Annexes A and B of ISO 19880-1:2020. The development of both projects will he accomplished concurrently by two subgroups with individual project leaders under the same working group, with Jesse Schneider as convenor of the working group and project leader of the subgroup for the revision of ISO 19880-1. This structure will ensure efficient coordination while maintaining focused leadership on each project.

There were presentations on potential future items as follows:

  • Presentation by Korea and United States “Progress update on Hydrogen Generator: Using Metal Oxidation (PWI)”

  • Presentation by Korea “New PWI proposal on Water electrolysis technology Performance test”

  • Presentation by Korea “New PWI proposal for Hydrogen tube trailer hose Performance test”

  • Presentation by China “on "Liquid Hydrogen Pump for Hydrogen Fueling Stations"

The United States offered to hold the next ISO/TC 197 plenary activity week in 2025 (Irvine, California, December 8-12).

The meeting ended with a special resolution of appreciation:

The ISO/TC 197 family, gathered at its 33rd Plenary Meeting, wishes to express its sincere respect and profound gratitude to Professor Jaeou Choi for his outstanding leadership and dedicated service as the Head of the Korean Delegation over the past decade. Throughout these ten years, his expertise, humility, wisdom, and commitment have significantly contributed to the advancement of hydrogen technologies standardization and to the success of ISO/TC 197's mission. ISO/TC 197 wishes him a fulfilling and well-deserved retirement.

Highlights of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) TC 197 SC 1 Plenary Meeting

By Karen Quackenbush, FCHEA

ISO/TC 197 SC1 held its 2024 plenary meeting on December 11, 2024, in Seoul, Korea.

ISO/TC 197/SC 1 heard a presentation from Japan “Preliminary Work Item on LH2 Maritime Terminals” and agreed to create a Preliminary Work Item as a start toward the development of a New Project, and appointed Mr. Keisuke Koide as project leader. 

ISO/TC 197/SC 1 heard a presentation of Dr. Andrei V. Tchouvelev on behalf of multi-national stakeholders “AHG on LH2 Shipping Interoperability & Sustainability” (Doc N179) and agreed to create an Ad Hoc Group (AHG) to start the development of a roadmap for standards on interoperability and sustainability of LH2 long-distance shipping chain per proposed scope, and appointed Dr. Hidenori Tomioka and Mr. Guy de reals as project co-leaders.

ISO/TC 197/SC 1 heard a presentation by Dr. Laurent Antoni and Mr. Gabriel Lassery on “Terminology used in certification of hydrogen and hydrogen solutions” (Doc N195) and invited France and Brazil to submit a New Work Item Proposal within the next 90 days.

ISO/TC 197/SC1 established new liaisons as follows:

  • Liaison with ISO/TC 67 “Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy” for collaboration on hydrogen and ammonia standards.

  • Liaison with ISO/TC 67/SC 2 “Pipeline transportation systems” in order to access their documents and invited ISO/TC 67/SC 2 to reciprocate with the liaison.

  • Liaison with ISO/TC 109 “Oil and gas burners” to access their documents.

  • Liaison with ISO/TC 244 “Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment” to access their documents.

Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI) Provides Guidance for the Addition of Hydrogen Pipeline Requirements to ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems Standard

By Mhamed Samet, FCHEA

The Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI) has completed a Consensus Engineering Requirement (CER) project to translate and update the pipeline language from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) B31.12 Hydrogen Pipelines Standard to establish a new exception chapter for hydrogen pipelines in the ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems Standard. The resulting report is a comprehensive, practical guide that will support fit-for-purpose projects and help maintain pipeline safety. The final report with the proposed language and project details is available on the PRCI website. In addition, PRCI hosted a corresponding webinar presented by Simon Slater, from ROSEN, hosted by Taylor Shie, from Shell, and moderated by Gary Choquette, from PRCI. A summary of the webinar can be found below:

The project, involving nearly 200 industry professionals, aimed to update ASME B31.8 with new requirements. Rosen, with 249 engineers, led the effort, focusing on large-scale hydrogen transmission networks. The process involved extensive stakeholder collaboration, including EFI members, regulators, and technical institutions. Key changes include using an engineering critical assessment (ECA) and a low-stress option, decoupling hardness and toughness, and enhancing welding qualification requirements. The updated standards will be reviewed by ASME for inclusion in the 2026 revision of B31.8.

The need for large-scale hydrogen transmission networks was emphasized, necessitating high-pressure, long-distance pipelines. Current guidance for hydrogen pipelines, B31.12, is insufficient for large-scale transmission pipelines, prompting the need for updates. The decision to move the pipeline sections of B31.12 into ASME B31.8 was made to better address the needs of transmission pipeline operators. The overall goal was to move the pipeline sections from B31.12 to B31.8 and update the requirements for hydrogen transportation.

The strategy involved creating an exception chapter in B31.8, mirroring the approach used for the CO2 chapter. The project deliverable includes an EFI report published by RTI, outlining the consensus engineering requirements for hydrogen and hydrogen blend pipelines. The project involved extensive collaboration with various stakeholders, including EFI members, regulators, and technical institutions. Up to 100 active members participated in the review process, ensuring comprehensive feedback and consensus. Work packages were created to manage specific sections of the code, with Rosen and EFI members leading each package.

Content Development and Justification:

The project team conducted a clause-by-clause review of B31.12 and B31.8, identifying content to be brought across and new content required. A rationale document was created to justify the changes and provide background information for the new code language. The CERs were developed using a template from the CO2 team, with proposed amendments and justifications for each clause.

Key Changes and Future Considerations:

The use of an engineering critical assessment (ECA) and a low stress option for high-pressure transmission pipelines was introduced. The low stress option limits stress to 52 ksi and removes the material performance factor, aligning with changes in B 3112. Hardness and toughness requirements were decoupled, with specific testing requirements for each. Enhanced welding qualification requirements and guidance for repurposing pipelines were included.

Path Forward and Task Group Formation:

Moving forward, the PRCI project team will support the ASME B31.8 Hydrogen Task Group in presenting the proposed language in the CER for review and approval through a consensus process by the ASME B31.8 and B31 Standards committees for inclusion in the 2026 edition of B31.8.

International Code Council (ICC) Guide 8 (G8) Professional Qualifications for Hydrogen Systems in the Built Environment

By Mhamed Samet, FCHEA

The International Code Council and Center for Hydrogen Safety have opened a new project to develop Guide 8, Professional Qualifications for Hydrogen Systems in the Built Environment.  This new guide will establish minimum qualification requirements for professionals involved with hydrogen systems in the built environment. The guide is intended to align with candidate and existing ANSI standards and cover all aspects of hydrogen production and distribution systems within buildings, including piping, appliances, equipment, and components, for heating and energy purposes. When completed, the guide will provide qualification requirements for the following professions:

  • Design Professionals and Engineers

  • Plans Examiners

  • Installers

  • Inspectors

  • Auditors

  • Maintenance Personnel

  • Trainers/Instructors

For further information, please visit

Compressed Gas Association (CGA) Holds a Webinar Titled: Fueling a Safe Hydrogen Future

By Mhamed Samet, FCHEA

On January 22, 2025, Laura Brumsey, Senior Vice President at the Compressed Gas Association (CGA), spoke at a CGA webinar on ensuring safety in the hydrogen revolution. Watch the webinar recording here.

Webinar Summary:

Mrs. Brumsey highlighted CGA's role in developing safety standards for hydrogen, emphasizing the importance of standards for public trust and industry growth. She noted that 92% of customers prioritize safety standards in hydrogen adoption. CGA has 380 standards and collaborates with various organizations. Key standards include CGA H5 for hydrogen supply systems and CGA G5 for hydrogen venting. Brumsey stressed the need for harmonized standards to ensure interoperability and safety in hydrogen applications, particularly in trucking and airport infrastructure.

Standard Development Stages in the Hydrogen Industry:

Mrs. Brumsey explained the three stages of standard development in the hydrogen industry: early development, prevalence, and national/international standards. In the early stage of development, broad-based standards like OSHA's general safety guidelines are used. As technology becomes more prevalent, specific standards like CGA's hydrogen supply systems document (CGA H5) are developed. Performance-based standards are preferred over prescriptive standards to avoid blocking innovation.

Importance of Standards in the Hydrogen Industry:

The speaker emphasized the importance of standards in ensuring the safety and reliability of hydrogen projects. CGA is building relationships with other organizations to share information and learnings and has 28 publications under constant review, addressing every phase of the hydrogen life cycle. Examples of ongoing standards development include hydrogen transportation safety and new publications on hydrogen separation distances.

Applications of Hydrogen in Trucking and Transportation:

Mrs. Brumsey discussed the potential of hydrogen in the trucking and transportation industry, emphasizing the need for consistent standards. Hydrogen fueling stations need to be compatible with all vehicles to ensure seamless operation across the country. Airports are another potential large user of hydrogen, and standards are crucial for harmonizing hydrogen infrastructure. Harmonization and interoperability are essential for a seamless hydrogen network.

Public Trust and Safety Education:

Mrs. Brumsey highlighted the importance of public trust in the hydrogen industry and the impact of negative portrayals in the media. CGA's role is to educate the public about the safety of hydrogen and to ensure that standards are followed to prevent accidents. The Safe Hydrogen Project is a collaborative effort to develop and distribute safety information about hydrogen. CGA's website includes resources like an interactive standards map and videos to educate the public.

Center for Hydrogen Safety (CHS) 2025 Safety Challenge Begins

By Aidan Dennehy

The Center for Hydrogen Safety (CHS) has organized a 12 week Hydrogen Safety Challenge with the goal of cultivating a strong safety culture across the industry. The challenge consists of 6 scheduled activities taking place between January 21st and April 15th. To get involved, you can form a team of up to 5 people within your organization or complete the challenges independently. Any organization is eligible for participation regardless of its membership status with CHS. All tasks must be completed and submitted to CHS by April 15th.

Tasks will be published periodically throughout the 12-week duration on the CHS website. CHS staff will judge each submission and award points based on the level of participant engagement and contribution to each activity. At the end of the 12 weeks, you will receive a Bronze, Silver, or Gold badge recognizing your achievement. The participant or team with the most points will be entitled to a cash prize.

To get in contact with CHS or for more information about the challenge, click HERE.

Criticality of Fluoropolymers and PEM Technology for the Clean Energy Transition

By Mhamed Samet, FCHEA

On January 15, 2025, the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Seminar hosted the panelists listed below to discuss the role of Fluoropolymers in the energy transition, the regulatory landscape governing these substances, and propose solutions for responsible manufacturing:

• Marc Gurau Global Technology Sr. Manager at Chemours

• Jenny Liu, Global Sustainability Sr. Director Advanced Performance Materials at Chemours

• Bryan Pivovar, Senior Research Fellow at NREL

• Erin Lane, VP Public Relations, at Plug Power

• Moderator: Todd Ballinger, Technical Sales Manager, Heraeus Precious Metals

The discussion started with explain what Fluoropolymers are and why we need them, emphasizing what Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) can be defined as and that not all PFAS are the same. A substantial body of scientific data demonstrates that fluoropolymers are polymers of low concern with high societal value that pose no significant risks to human health or the environment.

The panel mentioned that Fluoropolymers are safe during the Intended Use Phase, and that remaining concerns on manufacturing and end of life can be addressed. Fluoropolymers are drivers for innovation and sustainability across many industries. Automotive & Electric Vehicle & Transportation; Aerospace & Defense; Advanced Electronics & Semiconductors; Medical Technology & Pharmaceutical Processing; Power Generation, Clean Hydrogen & Other Renewables; Chemical Processing; Construction & Thermal Management; and Mechanical & Plant Engineering. In addition, the applications of PFAS in clean energy cover various aspects: Renewable Energy Production; Energy Storage; Stationary & Mobility Fuel Cells; and Hydrogen Production.

Notably, proper functioning of electrolyzer technologies rests on the essential use of Fluoropolymers especially in AWE, PEM, AEM, and SOEC applications. Given that all sectors are connected, the importance of these chemicals to the economy cannot be overstated.

Hydrogen and Ensuring Safe Growth: The Critical Role of Safety Standards in Hydrogen Infrastructure Development

By Mhamed Samet, FCHEA

On January 15, 2025, Laura Brumsey, Senior Vice President at the Compressed Gas Association (CGA), gave a presentation on the critical role of safety standards in hydrogen infrastructure development during the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Seminar at the Long Beach Convention Center in Long Beach, California. A summary of the presentation can be found below.

Mrs. Brumsey emphasized the importance of industry engagement in the development of standards, urging participants to voice their needs and experiences in upcoming workshops. She mentioned that CGA aims to create standards that foster innovation rather than hinder it, ensuring safety and economic growth. The speaker invited further involvement in the standards process and mentioned CGA's public website,, which provides hydrogen resources and information. The conversation suggested a shift towards meaningful standards that support the industry's progress.

Engagement with Industry Bodies and Standards Development:

Mrs. Brumsey emphasized the importance of engaging with industry bodies to ensure that requirements are developed with their input and encouraged participation in upcoming workshops to share experiences and discuss challenges. She called to voice the importance of collaboration with organizations that the participants work with and highlighted the need for meaningful standards that support innovation and safety in the industry.

Addressing Misconceptions About Standards:

Mrs. Brumsey acknowledged common misconceptions that standards can hinder innovation and clarified that standards are intended to be tools for innovation rather than just compliance checkboxes. The goal is to create standards that enhance safety and support economic growth.

Invitation to Standards Involvement:

The Seminar speaker expressed a desire for further involvement in the standards space and hopes to see more participation in the standards involvement processes in the future. The website includes videos and a question feature to provide additional information. The resources are accessible to the public, not just members of the organization. The website aims to make hydrogen resources more accessible and understandable. Mrs. Brumsey highlighted the importance of making these resources available to a broader audience and emphasized that the goal is to support the growth and development of the hydrogen industry.

Hydrogen Aircraft Safety Analysis

By Mhamed Samet, FCHEA

On January 15, 2025, Dr. Albert Moussa, President of BlazeTech Corp. presented a comparison of Crash Fire Hazards of AirTaxis Fueled by Hydrogen vs. Aviation Gasoline during the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Seminar at the Long Beach Convention Center in Long Beach, California.


The discussion focused on the design and safety analysis of hydrogen-powered aircraft compared to fossil fuel planes. Hydrogen tanks are placed inside the fuselage due to their bulk, leading to different crash dynamics. Hydrogen's lighter weight and lower heat content result in less energy consumption and shorter fire duration. The analysis calculated pool fire size, thermal output, and thermal dose, concluding that hydrogen fires are less hazardous. This supported NASA's decision to proceed with hydrogen aircraft development. The conversation also touched on the need for specialized tank designs and the importance of adapting chemical industry practices for hydrogen storage and use.

Design and Crash Analysis of Hydrogen-Powered Planes:

Dr. Moussa explained the design differences between hydrogen-powered planes and fossil fuel planes, highlighting the placement of liquid hydrogen tanks inside the fuselage due to their bulk. The crash analysis revealed that hydrogen planes might not exhibit the same damage as fossil fuel planes due to their unique design, making structural mechanic analysis challenging. Hydrogen fuel is lighter, resulting in less energy consumption and a smaller volume compared to jet fuel, but it has a lower heat content, making it more efficient. The analysis aimed to calculate the size of the pool fire, thermal output, duration, and thermal dose for different fuels, including hydrogen, jet fuel, and gasoline.

Comparison of Fuel Release Rates and Flame Characteristics:

The speaker discussed the boiling characteristics of hydrogen and jet fuel, noting that hydrogen's higher boiling rate results in a taller flame and different heat transfer to the ground. Comparison results show that liquid hydrogen has a smaller and taller flame, with a larger pool diameter and higher fuel release rate compared to other fuels. The duration of the fire for hydrogen is shorter due to its intense boiling, while other fuels last longer, affecting the heat flux and thermal dose. The thermal dose for hydrogen is lower than other fuels, regardless of the amount of fuel released, indicating less hazard in crash fire accidents.

NASA's Decision and Industry Adoption:

Dr. Moussa mentioned that NASA's decision to proceed with hydrogen-powered planes was based on good engineering without extensive testing, highlighting the safety benefits. He stated that the FAA did not halt development due to the favorable results, and Airbus and Boeing are considering hydrogen aircraft under the "zero" configuration. This analysis also applies to storage tanks, emphasizing the importance of adapting chemical industry practices for handling hydrogen. Some of the action items that the speaker called for include: Adapting hydrogen safety practices from the chemical industry to specific applications like aviation and utilities; Demonstrating to local authorities that hydrogen storage and use will not affect the surrounding community; and investigating the differences in pressure and combustion behavior between hydrogen and jet fuel in leak scenarios.

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Panel on Rules for Electrochemical Cell Stacks (ECS)

By Karen Quackenbush, FCHEA

Safety, codes and standards events held at the 2025 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Seminar included a panel discussion on ASME rules for electrochemical cell stacks (ECS). Panelists were:

  • Paul Shanks - Senior Technical Specialist, ARISE Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company RRG, who provided the inspector perspective;

  • Karen Quackenbush, Vice Chair ASME BPVC Section VIII Task Group on Electrochemical Cell Stacks (ECS), who provided an overview of the ASME Section VIII ECS Task Group activities;

  • Joe Poindexter - Director of H2 Products, Teledyne Energy Systems, Inc., who provided a perspective from an alkaline electrolyzer manufacturer; and

  • Jitesh Panicker - Regulatory Compliance & Safety Manager, Electric Hydrogen, who provided a perspective from a PEM electrolyzer manufacturer.

This panel provided an overview of ASME BPVC Section VIII rules for Electrochemical Cell Stacks (ECS), including development of Code Case 3078, and a revision currently in publication.

The panel represented a unique opportunity to inform the electrolyzer and fuel cell industry about the activities of the ASME ECS TG, ASME rules for these technologies, and the perspectives of an authorized inspector. It also presented an opportunity to learn about specific technologies, and manufacturers perspectives and questions on the new rules.

ASME has determined that an electrochemical cell stack falls within the rules of ASME Section VIII. To clarify these rules for ECS, ASME Section VIII formed a task group to develop and improve Code Case 3078, which currently applies for ECS for PEM electrolyzers. Plans are in place to develop a similar code case for ECS for fuel cells and include these rules in a mandatory section of a future edition of ASME BPVC Section VIII. Use of the code case, compliance with a published industry standard (ISO 22734 or CSA/ANSI B22734 for PEM electrolyzers) and meeting certain limitations defined in the code case, provides a simplified approach to obtaining an ASME U-stamp.

Panelists noted that while a U-stamp on an ECS may not offer safety benefits to a system already certified to an approved industry standard, a U-stamp may be required by a jurisdictional authority to site a large fuel cell system or electrolyzer system within their jurisdiction. In this case, a code case can clarify and simplify rules for obtaining the necessary U-stamp.

For further information on ASME Code Cases, please visit